ICC Secretary General visited the 124 Communications Consulting

Mr. Nimitz Modrakee (middle), ICC- Thailand’s Chair of Marketing and Advertising Commission, along with his team member, Mr. Kongkiti Liwcharoenchai (1st from right) gave a warm welcome to Mr. Suriyon Tuchinda (2nd from left), ICC – Thailand Board Member and Secretary General on the occasion of visited the 124 Communications Consulting to review the proposed Marketing and Advertising Plan for ICC – Thailand. Mr. Nimitz Modrakee, who also serves as Founder and CEO of 124 Communications Consulting and Mr. Kongkiti Liwcharoenchai, who also serves as CEO and Cofounder of ZPS Corporation.

Established in 1999 by the Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industries, and Banking (JSCCIB), ICC Thailand is a pivotal organization comprising the Board of Trade of Thailand, the Federation of Thai Industries, and the Thai Bankers’ Association. It was founded with the objective of representing the interests of the Thai business community in the global market economy.

ICC Thailand is dedicated to fostering free and fair international trade and investment. It serves as a vital communication conduit, enabling local businesses to express their concerns to the international business community, including esteemed entities such as the United Nations and other Intergovernmental organizations, through the ICC International Headquarters. Additionally, ICC Thailand provides a dynamic networking platform for Thai businesses to engage with their counterparts from various chambers of commerce worldwide.
